Tuesday, February 05, 2008

In bed and OVER Will & Grace and the Golden Girls?!

I was...

Muffins, be careful what you catch this cold and flu season. There is some very tenacious crap out there. I caught a bit of a cold a few days ago and have been coughing continually ever since. As a person with Asthma, I of course pay very close attention to the signals my body sends me. It is for just that reason that I unplugged from my typically over-committed life to rest (and take every possible over-the-counter remedy imaginable)! Now, as a result, I am way more than full with my share of leftover television.

It still amazes me that with hundreds of daily viewing options being re-run, there still is very little that will capture my attention. I guess I would rather be out with people in the real world but my health will not allow it right now.

Therefore, I turned to movies mid-day today and was able to watch one that I will highly recommend to you. The film is "Two Weeks" and has a wonderful ensemble cast with the headliner being none other than Miss Sally Field.

The film has the feel of an Indy in large part because of the way the charachters are introduced. The eldest son is a film maker who is videotaping his mother's (Field) final thoughts for posterity. The film is a humorous and touching look at how siblings respond in the face of a parent dying. I have embedded a link to the trailer of the film in the screenshot of the DVD cover in this post. I highly recommend this film. Especially if you have ever needed to care for someone who is terminally ill.

That's all for now, I am back off to bed with a cup of hot tea. I do hope none of you end up with this crud. If you do, hit up the drugstore for some zinc and vitamin C but most importantly drink plenty of clear fluids and keep up on your rest!

For more information on the common cold and on pneumonia click here:

Click on the images above for info on the common cold & Pneumonia



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