Saturday, November 25, 2006

keep our kids safe

Last night my dear sweet son made a suicide threat while on a call with his brother. His brother called me right away (smart thing to do) and I was quickly back on the road from a lovely party a little North of the city. As we approached the city and I saw the rushing water over the dam at St. Anthony Falls I was overcome with grief at the thought that my precious child may be in the river somewhere. That was his plan. He was going to head to a bridge and jump. I took his threat very seriously as he has been despondent and dealing with issues of unemployment as well as problems with his housemates.

I walked into my home and he was in the kitchen, casually checking his email. I blew up at him- asking if he knew how scared that made me (and others) and how many people were out looking for him!?

He stormed out of the house and across the park. I tried to get him to stop and he just swore at me telling me he was really going to do it. I called 911 and the police quickly arrived on the scene and took him to the hospital. I have been worried about him for quite some time lately. He had been dating a woman whom I had always felt was a negative influence.

She was dark and brooding and manipulative. I had written a post about her some time back. I want all parents – of minors and adults – to know that it is important to know with whom your children interact. If you have any influence over this – take it, use it, and keep your children safe!

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