Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Another Day, another flipping dollop...

Do a dollop... do a dollop of Daisey! WHAT? What the hell does that mean - I mean really WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?

Do you tire of being brainwashed in the regulated time in between your show. It used to be that commercials actually served a purpose - I know - I am old enough to remember! I remember when the Burma Shave signs at the side of the road served the purpose of keeping the kids quiet in the back of the car.

I also remember the PSA (public service announcement for those of you not familiar with the lingo) where the Native American (at the time we still referred to such individuals as American Indian) who was shedding a tear because he witnessed the murder of a duck from a plastic ring holder from a six-pack of beer.

I remember how THAT single image was enough to inspire me to snip all of the rings of the plastic holders that would cross my path so they couldn't choke birds.

What's my point - simple it's this...

There is no longer any substance to advertising. The images are all the same - they are plastic and uniquely American. We sell to the lowest common denominator. Unfortunately that is not to high on the food chain right now. I know that sounds demeaning and BITCHY.... Yes, perhaps it is so.

Once, however, you think about it and go back to watch an hour or more of mainstream programming you will agree.

I don't have any answers - I wish I had. I NEED your help readers. Send me comments! Let me know your thoughts about the stupidity of American Advertising. I Dare you!

Til next time Muffins - turn on the TV and go to sleep - that's what it's there for...

Mrs. P

1 comment:

Xochial Crash said...

Dear Mrs. P.

So, when are you going to post again. Have really enjoyed reading all your past posts, but am waiting for more news and goodies from you?

Looking forward to hearing more of what you have to say.


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