Monday, April 09, 2007

Oh My Stars!!!

Yesterday was such a fun day muffins. I had the typical house full of interesting characters and we did have some excitement! I took a little nap in the late afternoon on Saturday and by the time I woke up I realized that I had missed the liquor store run and the house was DRY as a bone.

Never fear as a quick call out to Richard and to Chad saved the day and brought a couple of bottles of wine and a few beers to the all but parched party.

We had our traditional gathering of homosexuals and their allies to celebrate the roots of the no fabulously popular Christian celebration of Easter. We like to remember that long before that celebration emerged there was the annual celebration of re-birth and fertility. In honor of the day we also have a little crafty activity (of sorts). I ask several of the guests to prepare for battle and invite them to complete the scene of the "Peep's Day Massacre".

The event begins with a red velvet cake (blood soaked earth) topped with green icing and green coconut (to resemble the killing fields). Next comes the dead - dying - and bloody Peep Bunnies and Peep Chicks who have been warring selfishly to gain new territory (sound at all familiar). This year there was only one Peep standing and that Peep was badly injured. My question each of you, friends, is when will the warring end. We were not set upon this planet to destroy it, and each other in the vain conquests of man. We are here to learn and then teach love and tolerance.

I have included some pics of the war that ended so tragically with too many casualties and will end with this final thought. You can dress them up in Easter bonnets and finery, but in the end - if a war is caused by one person forcing there morality on another, the war was fought in vain. The conqueror most likely had more power to begin with and the resulting re-distributing of power and wealth is anything but moral!

so until next time... remember the Peeps!

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