Saturday, March 25, 2006

I am really angry!

Hello again Muffins:

Can you believe how our hard earned tax dollars are being spent?

I can't!

I am, quite honestly, very angry!

In fact - (it would make my mother roll over to hear me put it in these terms) I am "pissed off" at the way my tax dollars are being spent.

I know we need the representation of all the diversity that Minnesota holds at the Capitol.

I do not, however, believe that I should have my hard earned tax dollar subsidizing the hatred that is being spewed forth in the form of riders on bills and legislative agendas. Why, just this week alone, I have had opportunities to see right wing extremists gather on the grounds of the Capitol claiming that the only unions that should be honored are between a man and a woman, listen to the venom of a vile woman who holds public office and resides in Stillwater - need I say more - spew forth on public radio and then see how My hard earned tax dollar can be so easily spent in ways that I would never endorse if given the chance.

I mean - really....

This is taken from the website

In a move that "did not reflect well on the authors or the committee or the House," according to committee member Ron Abrams (R-Minnetonka), the House Taxes Committee approved a bill that combines the proposed anti-marriage amendment, an amendment to dedicate vehicle sales tax to transit, and an amendment to dedicate state sales tax to a wide range of arts and environment spending. The committee's five hours of deliberation began with a bill to amend the Minnesota Constitution to dedicate a percent of the state's sales tax to improve hunting and fishing in the state. But in a process that one supporter compared to a circus, the bill was changed into a sales tax increase dedicated to hunting, fishing, parks, trails, zoos, arts, humanities, museums, public broadcasting, and water conservation, with the other two constitutional amendments tacked on for good measure. The original bill's author, Rep. Tom Hackbarth (R-Cedar), denounced the transformation as "a political game" that will kill his bill by weighing it down with partisan provisions.

I do NOT pay taxes (thereby employing the legislators who spend their time playing these shenanigans) to have it squandered in such a manner!

I am tired of this.

It is all rhetoric!

Sodomy is no longer illegal - so what - we have to fight on different grounds?

I don't care who you are - if you have the amount of compassion and the effort to put forth in a relationship with another human being to call that person your spouse (significant other, partner, buddy, life mate, co-planetary-explorer... whatever) YOU SHOULD BE RECOGNIZED AND HONORED FOR THAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!

Horse hockey that we should split hairs on whose love is worthy of public endorsement. Let's just even the playing field. DO AWAY WITH MARRIAGE!

It seems to be the issue!


I am sooooo angry right now I don't think I have anything else to say.... except Michelle Bachman - You dear - need a lesson in manners and etiquette.

It is not acceptable to lie - especially in public and while being recorded!

Good Night (and God Bless)!

Mrs. P

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